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WEB3 tools, Hardware Wallets, Security keys and VR Headset

cosa sono gli hardware wallet

What hardware wallets are and how they work

In this article I’ll explain what are the Hardware Wallets, let’s start by saying that there are three types of wallet (wallet), software type to install on pc or as apps for mobile and browser also called “hot wallet”, then there are paper wallet type, simple sheets on which your […]

10 Best Hardware Wallets

Top 10 hardware wallet ever, pick the right one.

Ledger Nano S Ledger Nano X Trezor One Trezor T Ellipal Titan Safepal S1 Keepkey Bitbox02 Multi Edition Coldcard MK3 Ngrave Hardware wallets are one of the most convenient and safest options for storing your cryptocurrency. A hardware wallet is a type of “cold wallet” storage that allows you to […]

cryptosteel capsule

Cryptosteel Capsule cold wallet

Cryptosteel Capsule helps you to keep your Recovery seed offline, securely and without third parties. Built of solid metal designed to withstand very strong stresses, it works with the main algorithms of generating and sharing keys. Supports up to 123 ASCII characters to get random passwords with numbers and symbols. It […]