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WEB3 tools, Hardware Wallets, Security keys and VR Headset

Cryptotag cold wallet

Cryptotag is a system to safely store your Recovery Seed, it consists of two titanium plates with 24 spaces each, whereas the SEED of the most common hardware wallet (Ledger and Trezor) consists of 24 words, You can use Cryptotag as a backup for two hardware wallets.

It works with the BIP39 standard, which is the standard for the most common wallets, since the first four letters of each word encoded BIP39 are unique, just engrave on the cryptotag the first four letters of each word of your SEED.

Unlike Cryptosteel, to use Cryptotag you will have to punch the letters on the titanium plate, in fact in the box you will find a hammer and punches to imprint the letters on the titanium plate.

Cryptotag being titanium resists high temperatures of up to 1660 C and will ensure your SEED for many years.


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