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WEB3 tools, Hardware Wallets, Security keys and VR Headset


Man-in-the-middle attack

Man in the middle attack

The Man-in-the-middle attack, is that cyber attack that alters communication between two parties, in particular when a Hacker interposes between you and the object with which you are interacting. As for the Hardware wallets manufacturers adopt various technologies to ward off this problem. Starting from a physical alteration on the devices, […]



The Passphrase is a security option offered by the best wallets (Trezor, Ledger, etc.) is a tool for experienced users and must be implemented carefully, in practice the Passphrase allows you to increase security in accessing your wallet and also to create hidden wallets. They are the safest way to […]

Recovery Seed

Recovery Seed

Recovery SEED usually means a sequence of 12 or 24 words, generated randomly according to the BIP39 standard, upon activation of your Hardware wallet. The utility of the recovery phrase, namely the Recovery SEED, is that you can restore your wallet when you lose the device or if it breaks. […]

Shamir Backup

Shamir Backup

Shamir Backup is the method to split your “recovery seed” into multiple parts, it is also called Key Sharding. For example, you can decide to generate five sentences usually of 20 or 33 words encoded according to SLIP39 and then decide that only three sentences will be enough to restore […]